The Big Reveal: All Creatures Veterinary Hospital’s Top 5 Pet Care Blogs of 2019

A dog peeking over the table

We all work hard throughout the year. Sure, we take summer vacations, or a few long weekends from time to time. But at the end of every calendar year it’s downright gratifying to look back at what we accomplished. 

We feel very fortunate to be able to positively impact the health of the animals in our community. Part of our reflection includes a nod to our pet care blogs that proved to be the most interesting and relevant. With every click, scroll and share, our dedicated readers show they truly care about their pets, and with our mission of promoting animal welfare, we are inextricably linked.  

A cat looking up from the ground

From Us, For You

Every month we brainstorm blog topics that we hope will resonate with the majority of our readership. Often, we hear that our pet care blogs were published either right before the information was needed, or during certain situations that required some help. We try to anticipate what might be helpful. When a blog is received in this manner, we are filled with satisfaction.

Our Top 5 Pet Care Blogs of the Year

You’ve probably seen the countdowns lately that detail one’s favorite books, photographs, or albums of the year. For us, recognizing our top pet acre blog of 2019 truly serves the function of reflection, and helps us pivot toward the New Year with focus and inspiration.

Please enjoy our top pet care blogs of 2019:

A white dog rolling around in a field

5. Pesky Parasites: The Importance of Flea and Tick Prevention
As we enter peak season for bugs, it’s time to focus on flea and tick prevention so that we can guard against potentially life threatening diseases, health concerns, and major discomfort for your pets and for you! Read more…

4. My Dog Eats Poop – Help!
Dogs have some pretty endearing habits, but eating poop (either their own or another animals’) is not one of them. Although the behavior is mostly normal, no one wants their dog to raid the litter box or gulp down a stinky snack from the yard or sidewalk. Get the scoop!

3. The Advantages of Ultrasound in Veterinary Medicine
Ultrasound in veterinary medicine has revolutionized the way we approach many health issues and even how we practice surgical procedures. Often coupled with x-rays, ultrasound provides a better look at internal organs and allows us to detect issues that cannot be seen with a simple radiograph. Keep reading…

A dog sitting happily on the floor

2. How to Greet a Dog
You know that feeling you get every time you see a new dog? That somewhat uncontrollable urge to run over scoop that pup up and snuggle it for hours. As tempting as it may be, think about it from the dog’s point of view, scary right? Read more…

1. Our Favorite Pet Friendly Spots in Crown Heights and Prospect Heights
Eating and drinking is great, but all dogs need to run, play, and burn off excess energy, as well. Fortunately, Crown Heights and Prospect Heights offer plenty of places to do just that! Tuck in!

Happy New Year!

From all of us at All Creatures Veterinary Hospital of Brooklyn, may you and your pet enjoy a happy and healthy new year! We hope to see you soon