The Grateful Fed: Avoid a Pet Emergency with These Meal Safety Tips

Avoid a pet emergency on Thanksgiving by knowing pet food safety

Who can resist a holiday meal? Whether it’s a gravy-covered plate of meat and potatoes or an abundance of buttery rolls and pie crusts, dinner tables this time of year can be really tempting. You don’t even have to be hungry to enjoy everything in front of you! If we feel this way about the holidays, our pets probably do, too. While you don’t have to exclude them entirely, it’s important to observe certain safety tips to prevent a pet emergency this holiday season.

A Cornucopia of Goodness?

As pet owners, the holidays yield many tasty goodies for us, but the same can’t be said for our companions. Without a doubt, the menu items we crave and love the most are also some of the most dangerous for our pets.  

While some foods cause only mild irritation, the consumption of others can result in a life-threatening pet emergency.


Do You Know the Signs of a Pet Poisoning? They Might Surprise You

It’s not uncommon for animals to put something they shouldn’t inside their mouths. Like human babies, they experience a great deal of the world through how something feels and tastes. Sometimes they get into things they shouldn’t simply because they’re curious, bored, hungry, or a combination of all three. Pet poisoning is a common outcome of this situation, and it can be very harmful.
