The Power of Therapeutic Laser for Pets

A dog being treated with laser therapyAll Creatures Veterinary Hospital of Brooklyn takes your pet’s care to heart, doing our very best to offer only the highest quality care for our patients. We pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of veterinary medicine in every way. The use of therapeutic laser for pets is one example of how we accomplish this, benefiting many of our cases in a multitude of ways.

All About that Laser

While the use of therapeutic laser for pets may sound a bit intimidating, the technology is extremely safe and quite amazing.

Not to be confused with a cutting surgical laser, therapeutic or “cold” laser therapy uses the energy of light to help our four-legged patients. While the concept may sound a little futuristic, therapeutic laser has been around for over forty years and has been approved by the FDA.

A therapeutic laser uses a handheld probe to focus light energy in the form of photons to an area of interest. This energy increases energy production in the cells in the area, which leads them to function more optimally and:

  • Speed healing through increased circulation
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Relieve pain
  • Fight infection

Therapeutic laser therapy for pets is non-invasive and non-painful. Most pets enjoy their laser sessions and don’t require any sedation. Better yet, most sessions are completed in a matter of minutes.

Treatment goals do require several sessions in order to achieve results. As a rule, the more chronic the problem, the more sessions we will likely recommend. You may see positive changes almost immediately, though.

The Many Uses of Therapeutic Laser for Pets

So how can our veterinarians help your beloved pet with therapeutic laser? Anywhere that there is pain, inflammation, infection, or the need to heal, we can add laser therapy to our treatment plan.

Some of the more common uses for therapeutic laser for pets include:

  • Management of pain in senior pets
  • Osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease
  • Part of our pain protocols during and after surgery
  • Wound management
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Congenital and acquired orthopedic injuries
  • Skin and ear infections
  • Bladder inflammation

The list truly goes on and on. Laser therapy is a safe and non-invasive treatment option that complements other more traditional therapies very nicely. It can be part of a treatment plan for so many problems in our patients.

Helping pets get well is what we do! Call us today for more information about how we can get started with therapeutic laser treatments for your pet.