Pet Dental Care: Something to Smile About!

pet dental careMany of us are used to our own dental care routine: brush twice a day, floss, and see our dentist for a cleaning once or twice a year. Did you know that pet dental care is equally important? It’s true! Before you scoff at this, give us a chance to give you an overview of why dental care for pets really matters, and how it can actually improve your pet’s health, happiness, and longevity.

Dental disease is more common than you think. By the age of 3, an estimated 80% of dogs have some form of periodontal disease. Studies also show that between 50-90% of cats have dental disease by 4 years of age.

At All Creatures Veterinary Hospital of Brooklyn, we firmly believe that good oral health is a part of a comprehensive preventative care plan for all pets. Here are some of the reasons why pet dental care so important.
