How to Get Your Pet Moving After Surgery

A dog in a green e-collar after surgery.

If your pet has just undergone surgery, it is incredibly important they take the time to rest and recover. Your pet will need to heal before resuming their daily routine and returning to their normal activity level. After healing has begun, it will be important to get your pet moving and back on their feet! The team at All Creatures Veterinary Hospital of Brooklyn is here to suggest tips to safely get your pet moving again after surgery:

Surgery Aftercare 

Each pet will have a different post-surgical plan, because each surgery and situation is unique. Talk to your All Creatures veterinarians about the specific recommendations for your pet. Be sure to follow post-surgery care, medication instructions, and timeline correctly to encourage faster healing and to keep your pet comfortable. 

The day of surgery and the immediate days following, your pet may be experiencing discomfort and be groggy after anesthesia. Try to create a relaxing environment in your home for your pet to rest. Consider giving your pet space from other pets and young children. Provide a calm, comfortable space for them to get plenty of rest and healing time in the days following surgery. 

We also offer pet acupuncture and laser therapy, to promote faster healing, pain management, and comfort for pets after surgery. 

On the Road to Recovery 

Once your pet is cleared to be active again, there are a few things you can do to get your pet moving after surgery: 

  • Kong Treats—These toys filled with peanut butter or another pet-safe treat will help keep your pet entertained and their minds stimulated while they recover 
  • Short Walks—Short, slow, and steady walks win the race during your pet’s recovery from surgery! Short walks on a leash outside can help get your pets moving and give them something to look forward to. Avoid interacting with other animals on a leash until your pet is fully recovered. 
  • Outside Time—If you have a yard, take your pet outside to sniff and walk around while supervised. Keep an eye out for rabbits or other creatures that might encourage your pet to chase after them if they are not up for running yet. 
  • Car Rides—Just like humans, dogs can get cabin fever! Bring your dog on a car ride around the block for a change in scenery and some fresh air. 
  • Supervised Playtime—Once the stitches are out and your pet is beginning to act like their normal self, supervised playtime with other pets from the household can happen in short intervals. Keep an eye out for signs of your pet over-exerting themselves, and keep the play light. 

We’re here for your pet, before, during, and after surgery. Your friendly team at All Creatures Veterinary Hospital of Brooklyn is just a phone call away at (347) 915-1420 and available to answer any questions regarding your pet’s surgery and aftercare.